

lundi 8 janvier 2007

Marcaliss questionne: Does a robot techno-talks?

Does it?

A) I didn't get the question, could u be a bit more descriptive pls!!

B) Well, if you're talking about the way it talks, I guess you could call its accent a "techno" accent. Thus, if it talked, I guess it would be "techno" talking. However, the language of the speech is basically whatever is programmed into it (e.g. English, Spanish, etc.). The content is also influenced by the programming (e.g. program it to play chess, write novels, be creative, etc.).

ReAnswer: "Hehehehehehehe. Le nombre de réponse aussi sérieuse que je reçois vis-à-vis des questions de ce genre m'épate, m'époustoufle VIEUX FOUS.

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